IronCAD Mechanical V. 2024.01


Selection of different internal diameters is now possible.



Added the option to check the length of the thread even if the hole was a through-hole.



Improved Last Part Hole by adding control for extra length value for threading.


Cut Steels

Improved the tool by adding forward and backward cutting tolerances (highlighting the blue Toll.1 and green Toll.2 colored disk).

Cut Steels

Search Equal Elements

Added new tool for searching and counting all elements with the same Name or PartNumber.

Search Equal Elements

Face to DXF- Export Unfolded

Improved the tool by adding additional data for export.

Face to DXF - Export Unfolded

Improved dialog box for saving unlinked elements, now you can separately choose to export 2D and relink them to new 3D. Much improved text Search/Replace speed.

External Link Manager


Added cartesian axis indicator at the point 0,0




The PRO-Active Manager tool has been enhanced and improved with new features.

Icon in Tree View

Improved tree view management by adding icons indicating the status of the assembly (extended or to be treated as a part) and structured parts.

Icon in Tree View

Export BOM with Seed Excel File

When exporting to Excel with a Seed Excel file, the start position placement of Titles can be de-finished using <#StartTITLEs>, and the start position BOM with <#StartBOM>.

Export BOM with Seed Excel File

In exporting Excel with Seed Excel: if in the first Titles row of the Excel file, there is a cell with a value already set, the export cycle will avoid overwriting it, but will go to the next empty cell.

Exporting Excel with Seed

Export Multi BOM to Excel

Improved Multiple Export of Excel Files.

Improved option to export all grids to single Excel file. The improvement mainly affects export to a Seed file defined in the BOMConfig.

Export Multi BOM to Excel

Export BOM with Attachment to Excel

Added option to control the column to which to export the IPROAttachment.

Export BOM with Attachment to Excel

Compressed Structured BOM

Added option for Compressed Structured BOM, which will allow the right justified BOM level to be represented with 5 zeros (Ex. 0001.1.2)

Compressed Structured BOM

Management of Price

Price calculation is also done using the “Option” field of the BOMConfig; this makes it possible to use different calculation methods with the possibility of being able to represent them in the same BOM. Such as added the possibility of searching by material, adding the <MATERIAL> option for the Get Value from… “IPROBOMPriceList”.

  • Added units of measure:
    • 20 - by Linear Millimeters
    • 30 - by Square Millimeters
    • 40 - by Cube Millimeters

Management of Price