IronCAD Mechanical V. 2023.05
Added in Angular Steels the choice of cutting side.
Improved speed in positioning in large assemblies.
Added the feature of coloring threaded holes.
Added the option to disable automatic update of the hole name.
Adding a dialog box for managing and reordering settings.
Assembly Fasteners
The choice of having the threaded end instead of the bolt and placing the nut as the first component was added.
Gears and Belts
Improved tool and calculation of belt measurements.
Addition of the “+” flag that, if present in the name of a HWDrill, also cuts the parts that should not be cut (i.e., that the part name begins or ends with an underscore “_”).
Face to DXF- Export Unfolded
Improved the tool in terms of stability and speed. The sheetmetal thickness is reported in DXF with the unit name set in the scene.
- Added the option to set the FileName using the SheetMetal material code.
- Added option to manage the export of threaded ICMechanical holes.
- Added the option to report in the DXF the Bounding Box of the face.
- Added option to export developed sheetmetal info:
- Area, Bound Area, External and Internal Perimeter, Bend info
- In the Face to DXF tool, this information is exported only if the face is from a developed sheetmetal.
- Added the option to also export a PDF.
External Link Manager
Improved the dialog box for saving unlinked elements. Added dialog box for Find/Replace text and filling in the grid using formulas (to generate new Names and PartNumber).
Detect Holes
New tool to detect and convert holes to editable Intellishape holes.
Library Data Manager
Adding the PartNumber field to the setting of pipe data files.
Added ability to paste fields from Excel; only one column can be pasted at a time. (If multiple columns are selected in Excel, the action is not performed).
Export 3D Elements
Improved command, whit the addition of the option to overwrite the file if it is already there.
Added option for DWG/DXF, to print Model or Paper Space. Furthermore, added option to print Black&White the selected drawings.
For PDF files, added to export in Black&White format. Added option to exporting Zero-Width Lines for all the formats.
The PRO-Active Manager tool has been enhanced and improved with new functions; improved import and export function of settings.
Shell Steels Surface
The option for surface calculation processes “hollow” Steels, so that the inner surface is not calculated. In addition, the unit of measurement can be defined in the option box of BOMConfig.
Length of Sweep Pipes
The sweep calculation option now also calculates pipe lengths. So now it is possible to have a BOM containing the lengths of pipes and bends. A BOM Configuration, named Pipes_Config.dat is included in the setup.
Add to Custom Data
Improved the handling of the
Export BOM Formulas to Excel
Added option to export formulas in the BOM configuration as formulas in Excel cells.
Management of Price
Added the ability to manage the prices related to elements and display them in the PROActiveBOM. All the prices and the and calculation rules are store in the file IPROBOMPriceList.xlsx, which is filed in the ..\Prefs\ folder of IC-Mechanical.
BOM by Category
Added the option to create BOMs divided by category.