IronCAD Mechanical V. 2022.01
Add Post-It Note
A newly added option to remove Post-It Notes.
View Manager
- Newly added UI items for a precise camera control: target rotation setting (even with TriBall), setting the correct orientation upwards, fine rotation control (with angular step) and precise pan movement.
- Added the button to save all images at once.
Numbering PartNumbers
A newly added option to apply the same PartNumber to all elements in the active selection.
Steels – CustomSteel – Pipe – Flange
Added option to generate PartNumbers using the IPRONumbering tool.
- Consolidated and improved cutting tools.
- Improved positioning of Caps and Stiffener for steels. Depending on the type of cap placed, a prefix character modifies the PartNumber. Caps on steels are distinguished by cap at the base (prefix F), on top (prefix T) and end (prefix E), The Prefix Username and PartNumber options are also automatically checked and filled with the correct character.
Code Generator
Added a new option to detect the number of parts linked to each other.
Face to DXF – Export Unfolded Part
Lines and Bend Labels are grouped into two separate layers according to the direction of bend. There is also an option for setting the text height of bend labels.
Create Params By EXCEL
This tool is used to create/set the parameters from an Excel file. The selection on the Excel file is interactive, and the parameter will be created if they don’t exist. The value of the parameter will be driven by the Excel value.
An icon close to the part will show this condition. Furthermore, using the right click of the mouse will be possible to open the excel file, see the associated parameters, and update the parameters to the current value of the Excel file.
The IPROActiveManager tool has been powered adding several new features that improve the productivity and made simple operations that otherwise require a lot of time and management.
UI Improvement
Improved the selection of Assembly treated as part, now there are two icons, one excludes the other.
Sort Ordering
Performance improvement in the calculation of reordering in the BOM.
Search Text
Added the possibility in the dialog of Search/Replace Text to convert the texts in UPPERCASE – lowercase – Title case.
Export to Excel
Added an option to export the IPROAttachment files (pdf, dxf, doc, web link, etc …) and insert the link to the attachment in the Excel file.
Rename Part
Added option < ParentName+PartName > to rename the parts so that they include the father assembly mane.
BOM Configuration
Added the “Where Used” option in the BOM Configuration.
The field whit this option is filled with the father’s element PartNumber.