IronCAD Mechanical V. 2021.01

Export Unfolded Part

This tool was improved and some new settings are available in the dialog.

Export Unfolded Part

Face to DXF

There are some new options available for this tool. Furthermore, dragging the tool with the Right Mouse Button, it will be available a dialog useful to set the options and to select parallel or coplanar faces to export.

Face to DXF

View Manager

This tool has been improved. Furthermore it’s now available an option to set image size.

View Manager


Added an option for the replacement of Profiles equal to the one being modified.


PRO Active Manager

In the BOM Configuration is now possible to get the Single and the Total Weight of the element.

PRO Active Manager

Create PROActiveParts

Added the ability to export DWG drawings for each record of the table.

Create PROActiveParts

Create PROActiveParts

3D Text

This creation of 3DText using the Smoot Profile (use BSpline) has been improved in order to respect the sizebox Height set in the dialog.

3D Text

Revision Manager

When a revision is created, a copy of the selected element is saved in the subfolder “Revisions” of the current folder. Furthermore it’s possible to open the previous saved revision in a separate tab of the active instance of IronCAD.

Revision Manager

Revision Manager

Set Category

Added new command in the catalog for setting the Category.

Set Category

Set Color

Added new command in the catalog for setting the Color.

Set Color

Import DXF3D Scanned files

Added tool for DXF3D import from scanners.

Import DXF3D Scanned files

Create Blend Plane

Added tool for creating radius/curve profiles for tube curves.

Create Blend Plane


Revised section for saving IronCAD/Inovate settings.

Saving IronCAD Settings

Added a new tool useful to copy settings from the previous existing version of IronCAD/Inovate.

Copy IronCAD Settings