Right panel - Properties

ProActive Manager

On the right side there are some tabs whose number changes according to what is selected in the browser on the left.


This tab shows the properties of the opened file (in the top grid), while in the bottom tab “Scene Properties” you can edit them or add new ones, if you want to always add the same properties in all scenes, see here.

ProActive Manager02


In the BOM tab, you manage all the data that will be used to compile the Bill Of Materials, such as PartNumber, Description and User Name (you can also change it in the browser on the left, click on the name and click again to edit), also you can set Material Name, Color and Category, while in the bottom of the tab you manage the Custom Data.

ProActive Manager

ico>< - Search Next Part with the same PartNumber
ico>< - Serach Previous Part with the same PartNumber
ico>< - Set Status Colors on the selected elements see here

import bom

ico>< - Include or ico>< Exclude Element in BOM

ProActive Manager

(If the icon in BOM is disabled, also the fields PartNumber, Description and Quantity will be disabled.)

ico>< - Set User Quantity
If it’s active, in the grid below the quantity row is activated (the item “Computed by IronCAD” disappears) and the quantity can be entered manually

Available only for Assemblies

ico>< - ico>< - Assembly Expansion in BOM

Expand or Treat as Part, for All connected instances or Only for this Assembly

ProActive Manager

Utility and Custom Data

In the left column, you can enter the Name of the CustomData, or if you click on the dropdown menu, you can choose the name from a custom list (that you can create and modify by clicking on the <New...> field) see here for set default name


While, in the right column enter the Value of the CustomData, again if you click on the drop down menu, you can choose the value from a custom list (which you can create and modify by clicking on the <New...> field), in addition there are two other special fields:

  • <Get From Parent> If you select this option, the value of the current CustomData is obtained from the one with the same name from the parent assembly and set in the CustomData value of the part.
  • <Set To Children> When you select this option, the current CustomData value of the assembly will be set in all child items that have a CustomData with the same title as the assembly.
    These options only copy CustomData values. Copied values do not remain “linked” to the original selected value

the icon in the name cell ico>< - Deletes the CustomData field, both the name and the value
the icon in the value cell ico>< - Sets and links the current value from an Excel cell

Utility Icons


ico>< - Set current UserName using PartNumber
ico>< - Set current UserName using Description
ico>< - Set current PartNumber using UserName
ico>< - Set current Description using UserName
These four tools also work with an active multiple selection in the browser.

ico>< - Set UserName using CustomValueSchema
ico>< - Set All UserNames using CustomValueSchema
ico>< - Set CustomValueSchema
Sets the field to choose to change the user name:


ico>< - Numbering Selected Elements, read more here…
ico>< - Import CustomData, import custom data from Excel file, CVS or Text file
ico>< - Export CustomData, export custom data to a CVS or Excel file (all CustomData or DefaultTitles)
ico>< - Update Excel -> Custom fields, update custom data fields linked to an Excel file, or vice versa.

CustomData Excel

Custom Data fields that are linked to Excel are yellow and there are two icons in the cell, one ico>< to view the Excel file and the other ico>< to remove the link.

Other tabs

BOM Other tabs

In the bottom area of the BOM tab, in addition to the Custom Data fields, there are also tabs for: Revision History, PostIt Note and Attachements. And here you can add or edit all these properties very quickly.


In this tab you can see the geometric data of the element such as sizebox and position, and it is also possible to change the Material Name and then calculate the volume and weight and the center of gravity (if the selection is a 3D curve, it shows the length of the curve).

ProActive Manager


The tab shows the present configurations of the file and here you can also manage them.
To manage the configurations you can also see Configurations Manager.

ProActive Manager

Here you can search and manage searches for elements in the open file, you can search across multiple fields and with different conditions, you can search only for certain elements by selecting the icons in the top bar, and you can also save the search conditions to reuse them in other files.

ico>< - Start Search
ico>< - Clear Search TreeView
ico>< - Clear Search Grid
ico>< - Add Search Condition
ico>< - Remove Search Condition
ico>< - Save, Delete, Apply Search Condition
ico>< - Search by Status Colors
ico>< - Include/Exclude Elements in the Search
ico>< - Search Case Sensitive

ProActive Manager


The results of the search function are displayed in the Search tab on the left see here.