Config BOM

ProActive Manager

To create a custom BOM (to set the data you want to show and which types of attributes to include in the bom) click on the BOM Configuration Manager… button.

ProActive Manager

This is the default configuration with the three standard lines; PartNumber, Quantity and Description.

In the left part of the dialog there is the list of configurations, while on the right the list of attributes of the selected configuration (which will generate the bill of materials).

ProActive Manager

To create a new configuration click on the first button on the top left, then name the new configuration by two slow clicks on the name to change it.

To add more rows, click in the next available row in the Title column and enter a name. The title is the name of the column itself in the BOM.

ProActive Manager

Then select - in the Get value from… column - the property (Part Property) to link to that column in the BOM. A drop-down menu appears where there are several properties to choose from.

For some properties it is necessary to fill in the Option column.

Variables Typereturnsoption Name
Quantityquantity of the elements
PartNumberpart number of the element
Descriptiondescription of the element
CustomData Valuevalue of the CustomDatathe name of CustomData contained in the element if it-s different respect the Title
Material Namematerial name of the element
User Namename of the element
Sizebox Height of Elementtotal height of the element
Sizebox Length of Elementtotal length of the element
Sizebox Width of Elementtotal width of the element
Thickness of SheetMetalthickness value of sheet metal
Total Weight of Elementsweight value of all elements
External Linked Statusstatus of external link element true/false
External Linked Filepath of the external link element
Scene Propertiesfile property valuethe name of Property contained in the file, if different from the Title
Combo 1the result is get from an expression string.ex: <Description> - <Sizebox Length> x <Sizebox Width>
Longest Value of Sizeboxthe longest value (among L W H) of the sizebox
Parameter Valueparameter valuethe name of Parameter contained in the element, if different from the Title
Expression 2this field evaluate an expression using the MSExcel syntaxex: CONCATENATE ([Description] , "-" , "Tot.Weight gr.=" , ([Qty]*[W]*1000))
Expression Hidden 2like expression, but the result is not visible in the gridex: [Qty]*[W]*100 (Qty and W are Title)
Position X - RelativeX value of the relative position
Position Y - RelativeY value of the relative position
Position Z - RelativeZ value of the relative position
Position X - AbsoluteX value of the absolute position
Position Y - AbsoluteY value of the absolute position
Position Z - AbsoluteZ value of the absolute position
Row Counterthis value BOM row index+ starting value (optional, otherwise it starts from 1)
Surface of Elementsurface value of all faces of the partinsert unit of measure: mmq, cmq, mq, ftq, inq, ydq (default mmq)
Volume of Elementvolume value of the element
Weight of Element in Waterweight value of the element in water
Mass Densitymass density value of element
Weight of Elementweight value of the elementTo calculate Steels without cuts <STEEL_RAW>
Length of Sweepvalue of the length of the guide curve of the sweep
Where Usedthe part number of the parent assembly
Status Color Markerthe status of elementsee here how use Status
Area of Unfold SM Partthe area of unfolded sheet metal0 or empty for real unfolded face area
1 for bounding box unfolded face area
Perimeter of Unfold SM Partthe perimeter of unfolded sheet metal0 or empty for external perimeter
1 for internal perimeters (es. the holes or cuts)
2 for the sum of external and internal perimeters
SMBend infoobtain the number and radius of bends of a sheet metal part
Price in IPROBOMPriceListobtain the price stored in the file IPROBOMPriceList.xlsxsee here how use PriceList

FieldTags accepted
1. ComboInsert in the Option field the required values enclosed in < > brackets, brackets and contained string will be replaced by the value, all other text will remain unchanged, tag available are: <PartNumber> <Description> <@CustomName> <Sizebox Height> <Sizebox Legth> <Sizebox Width> <MaterialName> <Quantity> <ElementName>
2. ExpressionInsert in the Option field the required expression, the value of Title must to be enclosed in [name of title] bracket, all MS Excel expression are valid
all fieldif you add <ADDTOCUSTOM> in any Option field, the Title of the field will be added to the CustomData and will be filled with the value found in Get From
if you add <SUM> in any numeric Option field, it will sum all numerical values

The Format column set the format to display data in the BOM and is automatically filled with the correct value:

  • %s for text string,
  • %i for integer,
  • %f.2 for floating where the number after the dot indicates the number of decimals,
  • %fc.2 for custom floating where the character after fc is the decimal separator.

The Count By column is used to control which property is used to count parts/assemblies with similar properties. The number is added and displayed in the list column of the BOM (Quantity) unlike the bom in the 2D drawing, any value can be used here!

With Ref. for StructuredBOM, you can control which property should be primary, using multiple selections in Count by. It is therefore possible to summarize in the BOM with more than one property (but it is only possible when using the Multi Level BOM type).

Inherited by Children means that this field (if “Get Value from…” is set to “CustomData Value”) can be used to set the value of the father in the child parts; it should be used in conjunction with the commands in the BOM grid “Show Parent CustomData to Children Elements” and “Clear Parent CustomData to Children Elements”.

Sum Column allows you to sum all the values of the column and in BOM grid a row with the totals of this column will be added.

The order of the Title column from top to bottom is also the order of the columns of the BOM grid from left to right.

ProActive Manager

The icons on the left are for: ico><

  • create a new configuration
  • save the configuration
  • save configuration with a new name
  • open a saved configuration
  • delete configuration

The icons on the right are for: ico><

If you turn on the advanced setting, the dialog box expands down and there are three sections here:

ProActive Manager

Export BOM

If you directly export the BOM to txt or cvs file, you can set the separator character for the fields, the character of the decimal separator, the path (if the path is not set, the file will be saved in the current folder) and the name of the file to export the BOM, see here how for Export BOM.

MSExcel Export Settings

If you export the Bill of Materials to an Excel file, you can designate a specific initial template file and sheet for the BOM to be exported to. This feature allows for greater customization and efficiency in the export process.

Folder for VirtualCode Datafiles

If you want to replace real PartNumbers with virtual codes, enter the search path here.