BOM Options

The BOM Options of the flyout menu allow you to include additional BOM data and set other options.

ProActive Manager

Include All CustomData

Adds a column for each custom data value found in parts/assemblies. Items that do not have a certain custom value will have one blank box per row, which can also be manually filled in directly in the paragraph list, it’s also an easy way to fill in the BOM.

Include Unfolded SheetMetal Parts

It also shows the Unfolded SheetMetal Parts in the BOM. By default these are not displayed in IronCAD unless they are explicitly unfold.

Include Suppressed Elements

It also includes all the off (suppress) parts/assemblies, so you can get a complete list of everything in the 3D scene.

Counts Parts using Assembly Number

It means that the number of a parts is calculated from the number of the assembly in which it is included and not how many parts are actually contained in the assembly.

Include Element having Empty PartNumber

Items that have no item PartNumber are also counted and give them a “ND_xxx” temporary serial number. This number is not actually saved in the item but is only displayed in the BOM.

Include Element having Empty Description

Items that have no item Description are also counted in the BOM.

Elaborate Children of Not in BOM Assemblies

Also considers parts of assemblies not in the BOM, so they are processed and shown in the BOM.

Compact Layout for Structured BOM

Merges the Levels columns of the BOM Structured and Multi Level into one and creates the numbering based on the nesting of parts and assemblies ex. 1, 1.1, 1.2… 2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.2.1, 2.2.2…

Set Category Filters

Set up filters for categories, so you can create BOMs that include/exclude certain categories.

ProActive Manager

Categories can be created with the Category tool or in the BOM tab of the ProActive Manager.

Update Excel->Custom during the BOM

If there are CustomData linked to the Excel file, they are updated automatically.