External Link Manager

External Link Manager ico The External Links Manager gives you the full control over all linked files in a scene.

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The command has to be dragged to an empty area of the scene.

external link manager

external link manager

In dialog box there are three buttons with which you can either unlink a specified part or unlink all files in the entire scene (also with the possibility of unlink the children parts), or save with the name all parts.

Youtube video - External Link Manager

external link manager

The other four buttons allow you to: save the selected link file to another location (or rename the linked file), exchange the link with another file, open the linked file, save the selected part. These buttons are enabled only if you select an item in the tree view.


When exchanging the link with another file, a dialog box allows you to choose how to replace the element. external link manager

In the bottom of the dialog, we have three tab to view the parts, those Linked and Not Linked

external link manager

Also on the Not Linked tab is a tree view for selecting parts you want to save externally, there are also two controls: one for choosing whether to save all files in a single folder, and the other whether you want the exported part to be moved (based on the element’s own anchor) to the origin of the new file.

While the icons above the grid are respectively for:

  • Fill the grid, to set by rules all new part names, part numbers and file names
  • Search and Replace text, to rename in bulk: part name, part number, file name and folder. external link manager

ico>< The new part number can also be assigned via the numbering tool, see here for how to use it.

And the tab Linked Files with a list of all files linked.

external link manager

external link manager In the tab Linked, the command Save all to New File, open a new dialog where you can manage the save of the linked parts, setting the new name and new part number, the destination folder and the file name.

This data can be changed individually for each part/assembly, selecting the relative cell within the grid and entering the new data, or by adjusting the controls placed on the top of the window you can automate some procedures.

Furthermore, if the source folder contains the 2D files of relating to linked parts, you can copy and update the links to the new file and the new folder.

All these options affect the behavior of the below grid:

external link manager

  • Export All Files in the Same Folder: When this option is active, the value inserted in the “New Path” column, will be copied for all the rows in the grid

  • Set FileName Equal to UserName: When this option is active, the value inserted in the “New Name” column, will be copied in the “New File Name” column. In other words the exported file will have the FileName equal to the UserName of the element.

  • Set FileName Equal to PartNumber: When this option is active, the value inserted in the “New PartNumber” column, will be copied in the “New File Name” column. In other words the exported file will have the FileName equal to the PartNumber of the element.

  • Set UserName Equal to PartNumber: When this option is active, the value inserted in “New PartNumber”, will be copied in the “New Name” column.

  • Keep the Same FileName for Identical Links: When this option is active, the value inserted in the “New Path” or “New FileName” columns, will be automatical copied in all the rows related to the links of the element. In other words, all the linked element will have the same folder and the same filename set automatically.

  • Keep the Same Data for Identical Links: When this option is active, any change in the “New PartNumber” and “New Name”, will be automatically copied to all the linked elements

  • Save also current Scene: When this option is active, also the main opened model will be inserted in the grid, and it will be possible to set any fields related to save options.

  • Copy 2D files: This option doesn’t affect the behavior of the grid. When this option is active, all the ICD, EXB and DWG files found in the source folder, will be copied in the destination folder.

  • Reassociate 2D linked files: This option doesn’t affect the behavior of the grid. When this option is active, at the end of the save/copy process, the reassociation process between 3D files and ICS files will be executed. This process runs automatically IronCAD in background and open, modify and save all the .icd files in the destination folder.


    This process can require several time to be completed!

    Furthermore, any error or prompt for “Corrupted Styles” fill put in pause the process, waiting the input from the user.

  • Copy All Other Files in Scene Folder: This option doesn’t affect the behavior of the grid. This option is active when is set the “Save Also current Scene” option. When this option is active, all the files (e.g. Pdf, Word, Excel, DXF) in the source folder, will be copied to the destination folder.

external link manager Also, with the Search and Replace button you can rename in bulk: New PartName, New PartNumber, New FileName and New Folder.

external link manager