Pipe Elements
All pipe elements have the similar dialog box and the same structure of the data files.
When you release one component on the other, the new one sticks in the right position and automatically inherits some data, such as rule, size and thickness.
The dialog box contains the choice of rule, type, size, thickness and material. A grid with parameters and values, below a preview of the item and data for the BOM.
The dialog can be expanded to the right to show all available values.
With the icon at the top right, you can choose when to show the dialog:
Always, Only when released in the background or Never.
Data Files
The data files are stored in ..\Library\Pipes\ ruleNAME \Pipes
here are the name.ini files, the files that contains the link to the name.dat file, and the rules to create PartNumber and Description.
while in the ..\Data subfolder there are name.dat files, these files contain the numerical data of the geometries of the elements.
Edit Data Files
The status bar reports the position of the data files of selected element.
If you click on name.ini Library Data Manager starts to modify the description and the rules to create the bill of materials.
Close to it, on the right, there is a button that enable you to edit the geometric data file name.dat, launching the Library Data Manager - Geometry…
Part Number can also be generated using the Numbering tool