Create Steel Cap and Tube Cap
With Create Steel Cap (and Tube Cap) you can add the cap part to the steel by dragging the tool over the chosen end of the steel (at the beginning or end).
Profile Type
From the combobox it is possible to choose the section of the cap profile between: Equal, Sharp corners, Chamfered corners, Filled corners. And you can choose if Create Attach Points for link the cap to the steel.
- Thickness - Select or type the thickness of the plate.
- Steel Dimension - This two textbox detect the size of the steel on which the command is drop, and you can edit it values.
- Offset - External offset value.
- Chamfer/Round - Chanfer/Round value, the text box changes according to the profile choice.
- Create Holes - If the check is active, you can enter the values of the four holes, diameter and distances.
BOM Information
The bottom section of the dialog contains the items useful to set the information related to the component. The section is divided in two parts: BOM Information and Custom Information.
BOM Information section contains the same options of the other components, but there is this option more:
User Name Prefix - This check button controls the enable state of the text item placed on the right. If this button is checked, any string placed in the text item will be used as prefix of the User Name.
When the tool is positioned on one of the first four steel types and moved accordingly, the part number prefix changes. Steel caps are categorized by their location: at the Base (prefix F), at the Top (prefix T), and at the End (prefix E). The options for Prefix Name and Prefix Part Number are filled automatically and correctly.
For a detailed explanation of the other items see BOM information