Library Data Manager

Is an application to control the values of the ICMech standard components (Fasteners, Steels, etc…) within a easy tool window. The dialog is launch from Windows menu or by clicking on the StatusBar of the standard component.


If you open Library Data Manager from StatusBar, only the related component will be opened.

Youtube video - Library Data Manager

The main window is made up of two sections:

Show Normative Data

In the Show Normative Data, you can edit the data file related to the selected component, (editing an existing one, or insert a new, or delete it).

Lib Data Manager Normative

In the same window, there is also the string dedicated to the configuration of the Bill of Materials (BOM Settings), where it is possible to modify the construction rule of the PartNumber, PartName, Description and CustomDataFile of the component. For a detailed explanation on how to configure the BOM, you can look here Configure BOM

Show Geometry Data

In the Show Geometry Data section, it is possible to modify the geometric data file relating to the single selected component (modifying an existing one or inserting a new one or deleting it).

Lib Data Manager Geometry


To fill data, you can paste fields from Excel; you can paste only one column at a time (If more than one column is selected in Excel, the action is not performed). Lib Data Manager Geometry