Configure IPRO_BOM.ini

Inside any Standard rule folder, there is an ASCII file named IPRO_BOM.ini

This file is used to manage the «automatic» generation of PartNumber, Description and Custom data.

The structure of the IPRO_BOM.ini file is very simple:

## ====================================================================================
## * IronPROLibrary Data Manager - *** Fronema Srl *** -
## ====================================================================================
# These TAGS will be replaced by the corresponding parameter:
#  <C>	Code of the component ex: M10
#  <L>	Length of the component
#  <N>	Rule of the component
#  <S>	Thickness (when defined in the component parameters)
#  <M>	Material
#  <Mc>	Material Code
#  <Md>	Material Description
#  <X>	Latest field of DataFile
#                      (optional)                                      (optional)
# File INI; PartNumber @ PartName; Description;  Item in the INI File  OtherCustomData_File
Bolt.ini;   BE<C>x<L><Mc> @ Bolt;  Bolt <C>x<L>;   1;                   CD_Bolt.dat
Bolt.ini;   BE<C>x<L><Mc>;         Bolt <C>x<L>;   2;                   CD_Bolt.dat
Bolt.ini;   TS<C>x<L><Mc>;         Countersunk head screw <C>x<L>;  10; CD_BoltCHS.dat

Screw.ini;  VT1<C>x<L><Mc>;        Cylindrical head screw <C>x<L>;     1
Screw.ini;  VT2<C>x<L><Mc>;        Cylindrical Allen screw <C>x<L>;    2
Screw.ini;  VTT<C>x<L><Mc>;        Hex head screw with flange <C>x<L>; 17

ScrewNoHead.ini;  ST1<C>x<L><Mc>;   Headless flat Allen key <C>x<L>;         1
ScrewNoHead.ini;  ST2<C>x<L><Mc>;   Headless cylindrical Allen key <C>x<L>;  2
ScrewNoHead.ini;  ST9<C>x<L><Mc>;   Prisoner <C>x<L>;                        9

Washer.ini;   RD1<C><Mc>;    Washer  <C>;                1
Washer.ini;   RD2<C><Mc>;    Elastic Washer <C>;         2
Washer.ini;   RD8<C><Mc>;    High resistance Washer <C>; 8

Nut.ini;   DD1<C><Mc>;   Hex nut <C>;                1
Nut.ini;   DD2<C><Mc>;   Slotted Hex nut <C>;        2
Nut.ini;   DD10<C><Mc>;  Hex nut with ring nut <C>;  10

Profil.ini;  P1S<C>x<L><Mc>;   Beam <C>x<L>;       1
Profil.ini;  P2S<C>x<L><Mc>;   Beam <C>x<L>;       2
Profil.ini;  PIS<C>x<L><Mc>;   Profiles <C>x<L>;   19

SteelEndCap;  CP<C>x<Mc>;   SteelCap <C>;       1
SteelEndCap;  CP<C>x<Mc>;   SteelCap <C>;       2
SteelEndCap;  CP<C>x<Mc>;   SteelCap <C>;       19

ORing.ini;   R1S<C><Mc>;   Oring Shafts <C>;            1
ORing.ini;   R2S<C><Mc>;   Oring Shafts <C>;            2
ORing.ini;   R6S<C><Mc>;   Oring external pressure <C>; 6

ANtenuta.ini;  AT1 <C><Mc>; Shafts Holder ring <C>;     1
ANtenuta.ini;  AT2 <C><Mc>; Holder ring dust cover <C>; 2
ANtenuta.ini;  AT3 <C><Mc>; Holder ring <C>;            3

Seeger.ini;   SG1 <C><Mc>;  Shafts Seeger;   1
Seeger.ini;   SG2 <C><Mc>;  Holes Seeger;    2
Seeger.ini;   SG6 <C><Mc>;  Holes Seeger K;  6

Cuscinetti.ini;  Ba1 <C>;   Ball Bearing;    0 1
Cuscinetti.ini;  Ba2 <C>;   Ball Bearing;    0 2
Cuscinetti.ini;  AB8 <C>;   Axial Bearing;   2 4

How you can see, the file contains several records. Every record has several fields separated by a ; char.

Every record is related to a component.

In the file there are some tags that will be replaced by a particular parameter during the creation of the component. As example, the tag <L> is replaced by the length of the component, and the tag <M> is replaced by the Material name. Inserting these tags in a string, you can set the schema useful to generate the PartNumber, the Description and every other CustomData.

For example:

# These TAGS will be replaced by the corresponding parameter:
#  <C>	Code of the component ex: M10
#  <L>	Length of the component
#  <N>	Rule of the component
#  <M>	Material
#PartNumber  @ PartName;   Description;      Item..  OtherCustomData_File

BE<C>x<L> <M> @ Bolt<C>;  Bolt <C>x<L> <N>;  1;      CD_Bolt.dat 

return to:

  • Name: @ Bolt<C> -> BoltM16
  • PartNumer: BE<C>x<L> <M> -> BEM16x30 OBEH
  • Description: Bolt <C>x<L> <N> -> Bolt M16x30 UNI5725-65



For the generation of the customized CustomData, it’s used the 5th field of the record. In the previous example, it contains the file name: CD_Bolt.dat

This means that in the folder, there is an Txt ASCII file named CD_Bolt.dat which contains some record that will be used to automatically create some Customdata.

This is the structure of the file:

Comp Code = <N> <C>x<L>-<M>
Rule Code = PN-85/M-82101

How you can see, the structure is very simple. The record is composed by two fields separated by a = char.

  • first - field is the Title of the CustomData
  • second - field is the value of the CustomData


Inside the value it’s possible to use all the tags available in the IPRO_BOM.ini


If you want use a graphical interface for edit the BOM rule, look here Library Data Manager